
编号 题目 状态 分数 总时间 内存 代码 提交者 提交时间
#62929 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 313 ms 20180 K Python 3 / 275 B ZWMB 2020-09-05 13:51:23
#69902 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 321 ms 20176 K Python 3 / 291 B aobatian 2020-11-15 15:57:52
#65667 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 319 ms 20172 K Python 3 / 311 B lanlan520 2020-10-11 11:15:50
#65108 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 317 ms 20172 K Python 3 / 293 B szy20090502 2020-09-26 15:37:31
#61058 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 317 ms 20172 K Python 3 / 295 B YANGHAOYU 2020-08-23 16:16:50
#84574 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 395 ms 20168 K Python 3 / 298 B KingheroKing of the summit 2021-03-19 19:52:43
#75051 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 323 ms 20168 K Python 3 / 288 B bcm05 2021-01-02 18:54:01
#74326 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 323 ms 20156 K Python 3 / 280 B ZLY 2020-12-26 13:29:49
#79740 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 345 ms 20156 K Python 3 / 288 B test测试 2021-02-03 20:26:19
#85783 #18. 输出星期几 Accepted 100 344 ms 20152 K Python 3 / 356 B daimengjie 2021-03-28 13:11:45


