
编号 题目 状态 分数 总时间 内存 代码 提交者 提交时间
#366254 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 316 K C++ 14 / 228 B zyl 喵星人 2023-11-04 14:01:04
#368455 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 316 K C++ / 227 B bc03黄金三 2023-11-07 13:28:39
#450526 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 31 ms 808 K C++ 17 / 242 B wyh15Minecraft 2024-05-06 19:24:37
#458079 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 316 K C++ 14 / 245 B lyhcyj 2024-05-26 15:44:14
#511335 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 320 K C++ / 232 B wangjun 2024-09-06 14:50:26
#513662 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 316 K C++ / 177 B qinhaoxuan飞友 2024-09-10 14:17:15
#515043 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 432 K C++ 14 / 192 B lyh045CSP-J2二等 2024-09-14 17:27:54
#516182 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 336 K C++ 14 / 183 B ykj142 不想做题,烦! 2024-09-16 19:50:20
#523534 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 26 ms 320 K C++ 14 / 384 B caisen 2024-10-04 11:41:23
#525396 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 30 ms 332 K C++ 14 / 223 B lyh046蔚蓝档案 2024-10-07 14:36:20


