
chenjiangxue 逗比 2019-11-26 20:51:22 7

题目描述 Given two integers A and B, A modulo B is the remainder when dividing A by B. For example, the numbers 7, 14, 27 and 38 become 1, 2, 0 and 2, modulo 3. Write a program that accepts 10 numbers as input and outputs the number of distinct numbers in the input, if the numbers are considered modulo 42.

输入格式 The input will contain 10 non-negative integers, each smaller than 1000, one per line.

输出格式 Output the number of distinct values when considered modulo 42 on a single line.

{{ vote && vote.total.up }}

共 3 条回复

CPP 刷题王


pikahuan 逗比


root 站长
